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Document Reviews in a Post-COVID World


While the last 18 months have seen managed document reviews conducted remotely, Preferred Office Network is now interested as to how the lifting of COVID restrictions will affect the hosting of document reviews moving forward. 

Here are some quick tidbits that we’ve observed, that may speak to how the future of document reviews shapes up. 

  • As many reviewers were forced to work remotely due to COVID-19, firms found ways to equip their reviewers with new software that allowed them to view documents from a remote capacity, safely and securely. An innovative security feature, this software even has the capability to tap into a reviewer’s webcam and detect any individuals who may walk behind a reviewer, causing the screen to immediately dim or completely darken for added privacy. 
  • While this new software has served as a stopgap for reviewers during the pandemic, many clients have indicated that there are still certain types of projects where reviewers absolutely must be on-site. Others have indicated that regardless of project type, they believe that the core of firms will begin to once again insist upon reviews being hosted from a brick-and-mortar office space. 
  • With many document review firms foregoing their long-term office space leases during the pandemic, firms are now looking for new, shorter-term, flexible options to host document reviews. Rather than using conventional office space, firms are beginning to explore the utilization of private coworking space to serve as satellite review centers. 
  • Abandoning fixed space for on-demand, drop-in space would check all the boxes when competing with the unpredictability of today’s work environment as well as allowing firms to avoid paying a premium on brick-and-mortar office space when it isn’t being consistently utilized.  

As the demand for office space and hosting document reviews continues to evolve, PON is equipped to provide on-demand space for reviewers to easily access in a wide variety of markets across the country. 

Without a doubt, there is more to come as this important business sector navigates a new normal. PON will continue to innovate and evolve to meet all our client’s demands. 

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